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Wireless client list not correctly updated


I have noticed a strange behavior in Wireless Client List. A client connects to one of my Wireless Networks (I have three), it appears iimmediately in the client list. If it changes networks, it remains listed in the prevous network. Is it a bug? In DHCP lease table I see the most recent ip, so the problem is only related to Wireless Client function.



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  • Ronen Meshel said:

    I'm seeing the same thing. Interestingly it was working fine with Separate zone, but my 2 Wireless networks are configured as Bridge-AP-LAN.

    I'm sure it will get resolved shortly :P

    In my case also in separate zone it does not work.

    The bug id is not listed in known issue list, I don't know if it will be soon fixed. It's true that it is not not a critical bug... but it needs to be fixed anyway :)