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IPS cut down my internet speed

Hi all,


  I am now using Sophos SG310 firewall with  1Gb internet speed connection. The speed is not bad (around 7xx Mbps in speedtest) with services on (Firewall, Web Filtering, POP3 Proxy, Application Control, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Anti Spyware, ATP). However, when I turned on the IPS, the speed is dropped to 2xx-3xx Mbps.  

  Is it possible to make it run faster when IPS on ? since the spec of this model is  1.2Gbps of IPS throughput. 


Thanks a lot.



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  • IPS is very processor intesive. The specs are a little optimistic IMHO and you can better consult your reseller for realistic hardware needs.

    That said, you can configure IPS so you may gain a little, but I think it's unlikely that you'll get back your 7xx Mbps speed with IPS enabled.

    Check the following:

    Network protection -> Intrusion Prevention -> Attack patterns: Disable everything you don't have or use and bring back rule age as far as you think is safe (but keep <12 months or less). Then under the Advanced tab lis your HTTP, DNS, SMTP and SQL servers (if any), so the system knows which systems to apply specific rules for.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • IPS is very processor intesive. The specs are a little optimistic IMHO and you can better consult your reseller for realistic hardware needs.

    That said, you can configure IPS so you may gain a little, but I think it's unlikely that you'll get back your 7xx Mbps speed with IPS enabled.

    Check the following:

    Network protection -> Intrusion Prevention -> Attack patterns: Disable everything you don't have or use and bring back rule age as far as you think is safe (but keep <12 months or less). Then under the Advanced tab lis your HTTP, DNS, SMTP and SQL servers (if any), so the system knows which systems to apply specific rules for.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

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