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IPS slows down my Internet connection since some days


I recognized yesterday that my download speed is not as fast as it should be. I've a 120/6 Mbit/s line and during downloads I reach only about 50-60 Mbit/s. Upload is fine. So I did some further investigations and found out, that IPS is the problem. After disabling IPS on the UTM the download speed was fine.

I enabled IPS again and took a look into the logs, CPU and MEM load, but I can't find any hints what could cause the problem. I've disabled all checks in IPS (signatures, TCP and UDP flooding, port scanning...) without disabling IPS itself, but the download speed was still "slow".

I'm sure that last week the download speed was OK with IPS enabled. What could happend?

BTW: Since I've my UTM I've never seen any IPS matches in the logs and/or overview. That's strange in my opinion. Maybe my ISP is filtering this packets befor they can reache the UTM.


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  • In regard to not seeing many alerts, I doubt your ISP is filtering a lot.  But, it is important to remember that the IDS/IPS will only work against rules that allow traffic for the most part.  There are parts of advanced protection that will alert you to other issues, but not the signature-based IDS/IPS rules.

  • In regard to not seeing many alerts, I doubt your ISP is filtering a lot.  But, it is important to remember that the IDS/IPS will only work against rules that allow traffic for the most part.  There are parts of advanced protection that will alert you to other issues, but not the signature-based IDS/IPS rules.

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