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WOL over the Internet

I know this topic has been discussed in the past, however, in each case there has not been an actual detailed solution tabled, only alternative workarounds.

I am wanting to send a WOL packet via my Android smartphone to my home PC.  I have the latest Astaro v8 free running on a dedicated machine.  I can do this successfully for ~60 seconds after the machine is put to sleep but this then fails to work due to the ARP cache entry expiring.  Astaro is setup with a DNAT forwarding port 9 to my PC as it seems that it will not transmit a broadcast via NAT.

There are a number of potential solutions to this problem:
1) Setup a static ARP entry
2) Setup bridging

I am not sure if #1 is possible with Astaro, does anyone know this?

#2 was suggested in a couple of the previous WOL discussions, however I am unsure of the theory of how this would work in conjunction with the existing NAT setup or the repercussions of doing so (in particular with respect to security).  Is anyone able to enlighten me on the details of this particular setup?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Well, just for the hell of it I tried the old method and amazingly it worked (ie; was executed correctly at boot time)!

    I'm not sure what the difference is between what I did and what BarryG did, but perhaps it was a one-off failure for Barry (or a one-off success for me!).

    I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, although I use a different port to the standard port 9, but that shouldn't make any difference.

    Go figure!?

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