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Dropped packets to port 0

While looking at our FW logs I see UDP packets from internal devices sent to a FW interface with dstport=0.

2023:06:23-14:20:19 FWName ulogd[31041]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60001" initf="ethx.9" mark="0x1000" srcmac="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee" dstmac="00:11:22:33:44:55" srcip="" dstip="" proto="17" length="28" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="128" srcport="62139" dstport="0"

I am curious if anyone know what these packets might be? I cannot find any information on valid use of port 0.

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