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Sophos SSL VPN Client EOL: What does this mean for UTM?

Hello everybody,

just a few minutes ago, I've received an End-of-Life notification from Sophos regarding the EOL of the Sophos SSL VPN Client on January, 31st 2022.

According to the email, one can still use the SSL VPN after the fact, but using an EOL security product does not strike me as a good idea.

According to the email, we should replace the SSL VPN client with the "new and improved" Sophos Connect v2 client.

I'm unclear however, how to best go about this.

SOP right now for our users:

1. Open up the UTM user portal.

2. Download and install the SSL VPN client.

3. Proft.

How can I go about providing my users with the new VPN client? Is this client still OpenVPN based? Do I need to change anything about the VPN configuration of our UTM?

I'm honestly quite surprised to learn that SSL VPN is EOL, it's the first I've heard about this and January 22nd isn't really far off.



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Parents Reply
  • I already tested it (ssl) with Windows and Mac using the current version of Sophos connect, Unfortunately I do get an an error importing the config on Mac (unknown file format) while it works on Windows (...) Is there an update coming up soon for Mac ?
