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Content Decoding failing in Unlayer through Sophos UTM

Hi Everyone!

Our development team uses Unlayer to bind pictures/images from one (source) website onto another (target) website via iframe. Unfortunately, Unlayer cannot work with source websites behind a Sophos UTM. Every other source works fine.

The source website is behind our Sophos UTM firewall and published through the WAF. Even if I deactivate all firewall profile features Unlayer is not working. But if I just create a DNAT rule from internet-https to webserver-https it starts working. As this negates all security features of the UTM this is no solution for us.

The error message we receive form Unlayer is "ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED". The Response Header shows "Content-Encoding: gzip". When I activate the DNAT rule the error is gone and there is no "Content Encoding" in the response headers. I hope this is not too confusing. ;)

Any ideas why this is happening and how to resolve this? Is there a workaround?


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  • Hi!

    So we tested the option "Dissable compression support" and it seems to work! The error in Unlayer is gone. Slight smile

    @Thomw Thanks for the suggestion. We will monitor it for a couple of days if we see any negative impact. So far the websites don't seem to be loaded any slower. If we find something I will reply back.

    @BAlfson I will keep open the support case with Sophos. Maybe they have an alternative or can tell me why the compression support is causing issues here. Anyway, I have not yet talked to a Sophos technician. I will reply if I have any news here.

    Thanks to all!


  • Hi!

    So we tested the option "Dissable compression support" and it seems to work! The error in Unlayer is gone. Slight smile

    @Thomw Thanks for the suggestion. We will monitor it for a couple of days if we see any negative impact. So far the websites don't seem to be loaded any slower. If we find something I will reply back.

    @BAlfson I will keep open the support case with Sophos. Maybe they have an alternative or can tell me why the compression support is causing issues here. Anyway, I have not yet talked to a Sophos technician. I will reply if I have any news here.

    Thanks to all!


  • In general, I don't use compression.  I've seen situations where the additional load on the CPU actually reduces throughput.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA