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SNAT not working with http or https traffic

I have firewall rule that allows icmp, http and https traffic  to destination that is not behind wan link. It is routed through vlan interface.

I need to nat traffic in firewall ip address that is configured to this vlan interface.

When i run icmp traffic through this interface tcpdump shows that traffic is nated correctly.

http and https traffic is however not nated. Is there a bug?

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  • FormerMember


    Thank you for reaching out to Sophos Community.

    If Web Protection is enabled on UTM for local network/specific subnet, then HTTP and HTTPS traffic will pass from Web protection with higher precedence.

    Refer to the article below to route web protection traffic from a specific WAN/alias interface.

    You'll also get 'Optional: Interface for outgoing traffic' option in Web Filter Profiles.

    Note: Failover for web traffic would not be possible after applying 'Optional: Interface for outgoing traffic'.

  • FormerMember


    Thank you for reaching out to Sophos Community.

    If Web Protection is enabled on UTM for local network/specific subnet, then HTTP and HTTPS traffic will pass from Web protection with higher precedence.

    Refer to the article below to route web protection traffic from a specific WAN/alias interface.

    You'll also get 'Optional: Interface for outgoing traffic' option in Web Filter Profiles.

    Note: Failover for web traffic would not be possible after applying 'Optional: Interface for outgoing traffic'.

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