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Create firewall rule to block TLS1.0

Hi Group,

I have an unusual SOC audit request.  The request is to "Encryption of Data in Transit: Provide screenshot of firewall setting that shows TLS 1.0 or lower encryption protocols are prevented."


If I read this correctly, they are asking for the firewall to filter any traffic that is requesting TLS1.0 and lower from passing through.  Any thoughts on how this could be accomplished?

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  • There is the Handshake.

    The client tries to open a connection (TCP Handshake). After the TCP, the TLS Handshake follows. 

    In one of the packets, there is the "wanted version". (ServerHello).

    UTM can disable the TLS1.0 version everywhere. Hence the Client cannot communicate to UTM with TLS1.0. 

    The issue will come up, if you have Clients communicating to each other or to the Internet "through" UTM. It cannot prevent the TLS1.0 version in Transit, like requested. 

    Maybe it is enough for your SoC, to have TLS1.0 disabled for everything on UTM. But if you need to prevent TLS1.0 everywhere, you would need XG Firewall with V18. 


    Overall you should get in touch with your Sophos Partner to discuss this further. 
