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Communication only working in one direction between internal and internalVLAN

I have a Sophos SG230 running UTM9 (version 9.605-1) I have 4 interfaces enabled Exernal (WAN), VPN, Internal and InternalVLAN88,

I am having problems getting from internal ( to internalVLAN88 (, but not the other way around?

I have tried with RDP (this is what it need working), from InternalVLAN88 I can access a host on internal (from to all good, but going the other way (from to no luck.

I get these lines in the firewall log (my rule allowing RDP tcp/udp 3389 from and to and is number 5) Seems like traffic from internal to internalVLAN88 finds way to the net but gets lost on the way back?

Any suggestions what I am missing


2019:11:12-13:18:35 sophos ulogd[16484]: "id=""2002""" "severity=""info""" "sys=""SecureNet""" "sub=""packetfilter""" "name=""Packet" "accepted""" "action=""accept""" "fwrule=""5""" "initf=""eth0""" "outitf=""eth4.88""" "srcmac=""00:50:56:99:f4:c8""" "dstmac=""00:1a:8c:59:1e:4a""" "srcip=""""" "dstip=""""" "proto=""6""" "length=""52""" "tos=""0x02""" "prec=""0x00""" "ttl=""127""" "srcport=""56010""" "dstport=""3389""" "tcpflags=""SYN""" 
2019:11:12-13:18:38 sophos ulogd[16484]: "id=""2000""" "severity=""info""" "sys=""SecureNet""" "sub=""packetfilter""" "name=""Packet" "logged""" "action=""log""" "fwrule=""0""" "srcip=""""" "dstip=""""" "proto=""6""" "length=""52""" "tos=""0x02""" "prec=""0x00""" "ttl=""128""" "srcport=""56010""" "dstport=""3389""" "tcpflags=""SYN""" "info=""nf_ct_tcp:" invalid packet ignored in state SYN_RECV
2019:11:12-13:18:44 sophos ulogd[16484]: "id=""2000""" "severity=""info""" "sys=""SecureNet""" "sub=""packetfilter""" "name=""Packet" "logged""" "action=""log""" "fwrule=""0""" "srcip=""""" "dstip=""""" "proto=""6""" "length=""48""" "tos=""0x00""" "prec=""0x00""" "ttl=""128""" "srcport=""56010""" "dstport=""3389""" "tcpflags=""SYN""" "info=""nf_ct_tcp:" invalid packet ignored in state SYN_RECV


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