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Redirecting all DNS traffic to the local service

I'm trying to capture outbound DNS traffic so the local server can pick it up.

My forwarders are DNSsec connections to Quad9  (IMHO, the most secure DNS source)

I'm trying to do this with a NAT rule, but I'm getting an error message that makes no sense to me:

"The NAT rule object cannot use any address objects for the traffic destination attribute when using this NAT mode."

The traffic destination attribute can only be an address object. 

You can't just write in an address. 

You have to create an object first. 

That's how the whole UTM interface works.

Can someone help me out?



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  • Hi  

    I assume you're trying to setup DNS proxy and forward all the DNS queries from your network to the specified address. However, DNAT rule will not allow you to configure ANY as a Destination (Going to) address. You may Specify a Network Group in the Destination and that should help you achieve in some restricted manner.



  • Hi  

    I assume you're trying to setup DNS proxy and forward all the DNS queries from your network to the specified address. However, DNAT rule will not allow you to configure ANY as a Destination (Going to) address. You may Specify a Network Group in the Destination and that should help you achieve in some restricted manner.



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