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UTM 9.6 Firewall not dropping incoming

I`m facing issue with firewall its not dropping specified traffic as defined in rules. Just for info web protection is completely turned off.


Traffic from>ANY->internal->drop

This rule is on #1 in firewall rules but still able to access google or see ads by google ads. I`ve defined Fqdn in dns group and its fetching all ip`s related to google. I`ve also got a rule #2 to drop using Fqdn but still no luck. Fqdn is working pretty well without any issue. If i block traffic from internal->>External it does work but again its outbound. Firewall logs shows all traffic as internal ip -> public ip and src/dst MAC. I`m out of options here how to drop all inbound from

in the image below you can see that logs only show outbound no inbound means public ip->private ip

Image below shows drop rule. Let me know if something is wrong

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  • In fact, UTM is a stateful firewall.

    Therefore you cannot intercept the packets coming from, because the client already opened a legit connection. 


    You will not see any attempts by Google to open up a connection to your internal network. This connection will not happen (because of NAT etc.). 


  • In fact, UTM is a stateful firewall.

    Therefore you cannot intercept the packets coming from, because the client already opened a legit connection. 


    You will not see any attempts by Google to open up a connection to your internal network. This connection will not happen (because of NAT etc.). 


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