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Playstation 4 Pro and Firewall Rules - Tried all I found... STUCK

Hello everyone.  I have searched the forum for 3 days now and I cannot defeat this problem.

I have a PS4 Pro that I added to my network wired and with a Host defined for static IP.

The PS4 can download updates, watch videos from Hulu/Amazon/etc, download games from PS Now, but it CANNOT stream games from PS Now.

I get an error that the connection cannot support a stream.  The connection test shows as NAT 2.

I have fiber to my wall and full gigabit up and down.  My Sophos UTM 9 is configured with two interfaces.

The external interface handles all the PPPOE to CenturyLink and everything on my network works amazing.

I have a masquerade defined and as far as the firewall rules go, it is pretty simple. It has been in service over a year.

I use OpenDNS for my dns rather than the ISp or Google.

I do not use IPS.  I do not use Web Filtering.

I tried a DNAT but that does not seem to work.


Can someone put me on the correct path or give me some threads to pull?  I am stuck.

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  • RULZ 1

    (Many people are tripped up by UDP Flood Protection which is logged in the Intrusion Prevention log file.


    I turned off UDP Flood Protection and ICMP Flood protection.  It now works.


    I would much rather have these on.  What are my options?

  • OK.  For anyone who stumbles across this, here is the resolution for me.

    Reviewing the IPS Log showed that UDP Flooding rule was happening to my dest of PS4 from Sony

    I could see the IP addresses of the source servers.  I created a Network definition for the IP range.

    Then under IPS, Create an Exception rule for UDP Flooding when coming from the defined Network.

    All my Flood prevention is running and the exclusion alows PS Now to run normally.

    Thanks for tips all!