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Should this rule not effectively disable the PC defined in rule #4 ?

I thought all outgoing packets are going to be dropped so internet would not be accessible,

but it doesn't matter if the rule is on bottom or top, the internet works just fine ...


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Parents Reply Children
  • Hmm, well in the above case it must not apply because it's definitely not cutting Internet access to that device :)

  • Your posted question and your goal are inconsistent.

    The low-numbered Allow-All rule will take precedence over the high-numbered Block rule, assuming that the PC is part of the Internal Network.

    However, the web filtering proxy is an alternative packet path to the firewall rules.  If you have either web proxy mode enabled for the source address of the PC, none of these rules matter at all.   That is why I asked you to read the tutorials which we have created on this forum.

  • Thank you, yes I do have Web Filtering (on) in Transparent Mode so that would do it ...

    As far as the rules I had the deny rules on top as well (position 2) but there was no difference.


    I just wasn't thinking that web filtering would be alternate path to the network firewall :)