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Can I Use one Public IP to connect to 2 different server in my network

Hi All

I've only one Public IP address. Register with Dyn DNS. 

If I type the DNS name followed by :4444 I can access my utm and also the VPN is working fine.

I've New Mitel Micollab server installed in my network. and I want to access this server from outside and Allow the mobile client to access the server from outside.

How can I achieve it?



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  • Hi Rodney;

    Many Thnks for your reply.

    Can you please help me with more details.




    I only have one public IP address for example



  • I don’t have knowledge about Micollab. But one possibility is you could publish a server via NAT. What Ports do you need to publish?

    Create a new DNAT rule in Network Protection -> NAT -> NAT, it should look like this:

    The destination translation should point to your Server


  • Hi;

    Thanks, I can reach the server from outside. but why After I enabled the Dnat, I can't log in using SSL VPN.


    and How do I import the certificate to UTM as I tried to do get the certificate from the Micollab server but it's not working?

    Shall I need to import the certificate to the UTM first then assigned it to the micollab server on the utm.



  • If both your VPN and your external server use the same port (TCP 443 likely) then you cannot solve this on 1 public IP.

    In that case you could change your VPN from port TCP 443 (which is default) to UDP 443 (which probably is faster) (this all assuming you are using SSL VPN). After changing the VPN you need to either manually adjust the .OVPN-files on the VPN-clients (C:\Program files(x86)\Sophos\Sophos SSL VPN\config if I'm not mistaken) or you can just redownload the config files from the User portal and reinstall.

    If both are not currently using the exact same port, than you may have made a mistake in the DNAT rule (you didn't configure 'any' as the service in DNAT did you?).

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • HI
    Yes, It's use port TCP 443,

    I'll change the VPN to UDP

    Thanks for the advice


