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Intrusion Prevention


I'm pretty new on the forum so please bear with me.

I`m having a little issue with UDP Flood Protection. Everytime I try to watch a youtube video on high definition or 4k using "Google Chrome" browser, the intrusion Prevention activate generating this kind of log and cause the video render completly unplayable.



2018:05:25-13:17:04 djfranco ulogd[4708]: id="2105" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="ips" name="UDP flood detected" action="UDP flood" fwrule="60013" initf="eth0" srcmac="2c:0b:e9:15:f0:22" dstmac="Removed my wan MAC" srcip="" dstip="removed my wan IP" proto="17" length="1378" tos="0x00" prec="0x20" ttl="59" srcport="443" dstport="64165"
Only way to watch the video in Chrome is disabling the "Use UDP Flood Protection" or adding an exception.
But the interesting part is that using Mozilla FireFox this doesn`t happen.
So why Chrome activate this and Firefox not ?
thanks in advanced.

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