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Application Selector missing Skype for Business?

At first, Skype for Business seems not top be regular Skype. All traffic is using SSL and Application selector is not taggins it as Skype.

Probably because Microsoft using own certificates or has their own implementation for SSL (due to the fact that I must use exceptions in the http proxy for letting https Skype for Business traffic through)

I am trying to create some QoS-rules for Skype for Business, but it is hard since Application Selector seems not to be able to tag the traffic as Skype for Business.

Has anyone succeeded to implement QoS for Skype for Business?

My http proxy exceptions:


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  • Skype v7 connects to many servers using many ports.   Upgrade your users to Skype v8, which seems to use port 443.   It still uses many servers, referenced by IP address, but they are in a single /16 subnet.

    I have not tried to validate the application matching for Skype v8.

  • Skype v7 and Skype v8? Is that really Skype for Business?


  • Possibly not.   Admittedly not my expertise.   

    I have been unclear whether the default version of Skype on Windows 7 Professional is "Business", "Home", or something in-between.   But presumably there is a lot of shared code, and clearly the code changed a great detail.

    When I was fighting my problem, I found a Microsoft site that said to upgrade to the latest version, but my Skype install said that there were no updates available.   But uninstalling Skype and downloading the latest version changed the behavior a lot.