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Interface Routing Works From UTM out, not to UTM

Hey Everyone, 


     I'm trying to setup a static route to another network in the same location. I'm not looking for LAN 1 to use LAN 2 as a gateway (or vice versa)


Essentially this is the setup. 


Lan 1 (FiOS with Netgear X10) 



Lan 2 (UTM-9)



I setup static routing on the netgear (screenshot:

Here is the LAN setup (with RIP info) (Screenshot:

I setup static routing on the UTM-9 (screenshot:


On Lan 2, I can connect to Lan 1's router. 

On Lan 1, I cannot connect to any asset on Lan 2. 

Here is the only firewall entry made: (screenshot:

NAT Masquerading rules *Note I've tried it enabled and disabled to no avail* (Screenshot:

Clearly I am missing something but don't know what that may be. Any help and guidance is super appreciated in advance. 



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  • i dont know if Private network is a physical interface or not, or have the correspondent IP address. 
    For the routes you have to define Gateways with IP Addresses not Interfaces

    Here some Screenshot with one UTM internal interfece connected with another firewall through hub just for testing purposes

    Netgear side


    Utm Lan1 Definition and Route type


    Gateway Definition 

    Additional Address in UTM lan Interface


    And the firewall Rule

  • i dont know if Private network is a physical interface or not, or have the correspondent IP address. 
    For the routes you have to define Gateways with IP Addresses not Interfaces

    Here some Screenshot with one UTM internal interfece connected with another firewall through hub just for testing purposes

    Netgear side


    Utm Lan1 Definition and Route type


    Gateway Definition 

    Additional Address in UTM lan Interface


    And the firewall Rule

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