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LAB-in-A-Box - Help with configuring UTM VM with multiple ESX vSwitch vLAN interfaces on the internal nic

Hello all,

Firstly, I would like thank the Sophos team for providing us with a free UTM Home edition - It is one of the best fully featured FW appliance that is free and I am so impressed by the drag and drop UI.

If possible I'm looking to expand the use of the UTM VM appliance to use the ESXi vSwitch Port Groups to create multiple VLANs to simulate typical DMZ scenarios as shown in the attached diagram.


Diagram updated : with the addition of eth2 (third interface) which now connects to the vSwitch trunk port and carries the port group tagged VLANs. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated for creating the basic fw rules to enable basic internet access through the WAN port.

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  • I did some testing, I disabled all NAT and FW rulles and to my surprise once the vlan is added to Global allowed network for DNS, I was able to get out to the internet from the VM without needing any FW rules.

    Not sure what is going on?

  • Quick guess..... probably because you have the web proxy enabled?

  • You will understand Louis' comment when you read #2 in Rulz.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thanks Bob!

    I read through the Rulz's rules and found it quite informative but I found it somewhat too advanced for my understanding but I have printed it out and will go through it.

    For the time being I decided to park the virtual UTM configuration for my lab use and tried to use PFSense which I found lots of blogs and tips which enabled me to configure it for the lab simulations I needed to do. But, as soon as I am done, I want to start getting the UTM to work because without a doubt it is far more easier to create the FW rules.

    Cheers - Mike