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How i can see the band usage splitted by connected computers "live" ?

Good morning,
i'm using an SG125 with UTM9

I would like to have the opportunity to see in real time the instant bandwidth usage of the network to monitor which machine is using "how much"
but i can't find the bandwithmeter page.

I would like to identify on the fly which computer is eating all the band

Is there any page to see that?




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  • On the dashboard, click on the appropriate network bar (top right) eg LAN in

    It will pop up another page in which it breaks the network usage down


    Alternatively, go to web protection > application control > flow monitor and select appropriate network interface.

  • On the dashboard, click on the appropriate network bar (top right) eg LAN in

    It will pop up another page in which it breaks the network usage down


    Alternatively, go to web protection > application control > flow monitor and select appropriate network interface.
