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Does the Slave node do dhcp requests on the internet interface?


I've got a UTM9 with active HA. 

I get messages about:

[INFO-107] WebAdmin webserver not running - restarted

WebAdmin webserver not running - restarted


HA Status          : HA SLAVE (node id: 2)

System Uptime      : 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes

System Load        : 0.14

System Version     : Sophos UTM 9.411-3

Please refer to the manual for detailed instructions.

I've found out, that the slave node is doing a dhcp request on it's internet device. How can I disable it?

Cheers Marc

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  • Hi Marc,

    2017:03:27-11:04:32 webmail-1 dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 146 seconds. This lines states that the DHCP server has provided an IP address with a lease time of 146 seconds. Now that should not happen on the slave UTM's interface. Check if the UTM's DHCLIENT is initiating a unicast DHCPREQUEST message after every 146 seconds. Also, check in the system.log which MAC address does the DHCPRequest to the DHCP server. 

    Do you have an ISP line leasing a DHCP IP Address to the UTM's interface? 

    What is configured on eth2.99 and show us a screenshot of the interface page from the WebAdmin? 

    Finally, if you have already reported it to support please PM me the case# to monitor it.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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