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My client computers have web access but my Windows Small Business Server 2011 cannot even ping Google (

Hello Everyone;

I changed ISPs & and also have new static IP. I have not been able to have microsoft exchange email, wsus, IPSEC VPN for backups, or have IOs devices connect for mail since change. Disturbingly enough the users can surf, play music, use Simply Accounting, and access personal and public folders on the network. This has been since mid-December. One problem was with the new ISP and their Hitron Cisco modem/router which they just identified Jan 8,2017. It was not allowing me to have the new static IP. It was giving me a dynamic one. I had them power cycle it on their end and it seemed to help. They must be doing something else as nothing changes when I power cycle it manually on my side.

So the users are up and running and now using their personal accounts for email (gmail). So a little pressure is off. I have been thrashing for a couple weeks now to the point where I crashed everything and discovered I love how easy it is to roll back and recover the UTM. Nice :)

My question is: something is blocking my server from the internet. Where do I start?

My network starts with a Cisco Hitron modem/router -> UTM 9.405 -> Netgear 24 port smart switch -> Currently 3 client computers and a  Citrix Xenserver with VM Windows SBS 2011 Server (we had to scale down the company temporarily thats why only 3 computers. Used to be an additional 9 office staff and 5 engineer CAD stations)



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