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Using CLI to add allowed users


I have access using root to the UTM CLI. Is there a way to use the CLI to add the superadmin user back to the list of allowed users?


In my WebAdmin, under allowed users - I have allowed Active Directory (AD) login for a group of firewall admins. However, I have removed the superadmin (Admin) user from the allowed list of users to log in.

However, now my connection to the AD server is broken, and I would like to access my UTM Webadmin again to add the superadmin user to log in.

I cannot login now to the UTM, as the connection to AD is broken, hence there can be no authentication.

Is there a way to use the CLI to add the superadmin user back to the list of allowed users so I can login to the Webadmin to do the necessary changes to restore the connection?

Thank you!

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