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Admin portal and User Portal are not loading properly (request time out error)

UTM seems to be working fine, however, Admin portal and User Portal aren't loading properly (request timeout error) when trying to access from Internet. Works just fine when accessing from inside the network or connected through VPN connection.

The User Portal sometimes show the login screen, sometimes it doesn't. When it does and I try to login, it just stays there loading. The Admin portal is the same. Sometimes I can't get the login screen, and when I do and try to login, it just stays there "Loading".

It was working with no trouble a couple of days ago.

The firmware is up to date to the latest version. The issues started before updating though. I updated to see if it could fix it.

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  • Allowed networks is set to Any.
    This service was working fine a couple of days ago.
    The thing is that the portals may or may not show at all. I constantly get timeout error.
    Sometimes I can get into WebAdmin. The User Portal login page shows, but doesn't authenticate, and doesn't show any login error neither.

    I can get to both, WebAdmin and User Portal, with no issues when connected inside the network or through VPN connection.