we have 3 internet connections
ISP1 (fast internet)
ISP2 (backup internet)
ISP3 (site to site and remote access with static ip)
we want to use the ISP1 connection for everythink, the ISP2 connections is a "backup only" connection i only want to use if ISP1 is not available.
ISP3 should theoretically never be used but i need to put it in uplink balancing otherwise the default gateway cannot be set and the connection is useless.
i set up uplink balancing with weight to use all connections with default GW:
according to help weight "0" means: "use it only if no higher item in list is available".
ISP1 (weight: 100)
ISP2 (weight: 0)
ISP3 (weight: 0)
but now if ISP1 is down, the connections are balanced between the 2 ISP2 and ISP3. thats not what i thought, i wanted UTM to only use ISP2 and ISP3 ONLY if ISP1 and 2 are down.
has anyone an idea how to solve this?
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