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Searching log files (multiple word search)

Is it possible to perform multiple word searches?

For example, I want to search the content filter for the words "" and "". Is there a specific syntax or format I'm meant to use or does it simply use the exact term I enter into the search box? (so I'm limited to a single search term)

I'm essentially wanting something where I can enter " OR" and it then lists out all entries. At the moment I'd have to do two separate searches to do that.

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  • Hi

    This question is from 2008 but i'm facing the same issue with multi searches in the logs for my WebFilter.

    I'm trying to look for a bunch of Indicator of Compromise (IOC) domains for the past year.

    I tried the suggesting here 

    (term1 |
    term1 |
    term1 OR

    Nothing worked, is multiple word search possible if not. is there a grep or zgrep command that can search the compressed archives?

  • Just doing some Googleing, if it can't be done from inside the web interface, navigate to /var/log/http/ then the year you want to search, and month, and do a 

    find -name \*.log.gz -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep "term1\|term2"    That is a \ followed by a | between the terms, no spaces

    Yeah that works, I just tried it with about 70 sites in the search, it takes about 35 seconds to search 1 month worth of archives of about 15MB each.

  • Just doing some Googleing, if it can't be done from inside the web interface, navigate to /var/log/http/ then the year you want to search, and month, and do a 

    find -name \*.log.gz -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep "term1\|term2"    That is a \ followed by a | between the terms, no spaces

    Yeah that works, I just tried it with about 70 sites in the search, it takes about 35 seconds to search 1 month worth of archives of about 15MB each.

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