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Resetting my UTM web login password

After a recent update I changed my web login password but it my system did not update my password manager so I have locked myself out.

Please can you email me the pw reset instructions.



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    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi Bob,

    Many thanks for the link.  Fortunately I found my new password eventually.  The problem had been that my password manager was running on old database.  Once corrected correctly my new pw was available.

    Great to see your name again and know you are still at the helm.   My reason for logging in, here having updated my UTM, was to revisit an earlier question I asked about connecting a second broadband supply from a different ISP.  I am starting work on this now and no doubt I shall have some questions in due course.

    I am also studying options for a new problem:- I wish to setup a firewall demilitarised zone, attach my WLAN to the firewall DMZ and setup a mirror server within the DMZ for the multimedia service I wish to share from my private subnet.  This is to enable "guests" to access the multimedia data in read only mode and prevent these "guest" from snooping and meddling in my private lan.

    I am looking at all options from two homed bastion host, using a managed switch or even the UTM.  Too soon to post a question but if you have any relevant experience please advise or suggest suitable links and reading.

    Best wishes and thanks again,
