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Is there a way to force an email out from UTM?


I've been getting to grips with the UTM (Home license) for a few days and creating a few outbound firewall rules to allow apps such as crashplan and my security camera viewer establish their connections.   But the email alerts from the UTM have stopped.

Prior to configuring the UTM as the default gateway a few days ago, I was getting some mails from the UTM to my gmail address for things like updates, failed logon or whatever.  Unfortunately, these were going into spam.  In Outlook, I moved to inbox and tried to flag the mail as non-spam.

However, I have not seen any mails since.  Not to inbox, nor to spam.  So I'm wondering if there's a 'test email' option to make sure the mail is actually being sent out?

And any troubleshooting advice would be appreciated - is there a log I can look at to determine why a send mail would have failed?

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