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Static entry bug?

You have a static entry configured in the DHCP scope of subnet A. You move the client to subnet B, and make it static from the 'DHCP leases' tab using the 'use an existing host' option. The outcome is that the host record now contains the IP from subnet B, but when the DHCP OFFER is sent to the client, the IP address is correct, but the default gateway is from the network configured on the original static entry, subnet A. As such, the client has a DG it can't reach. The behaviour is consistent. 

if you create a new host for management via DHCP, you can't save it if the address is not in the chosen DHCP range - you get (e.g.) "IP is not in network of the chosen interface."

is this intended behaviour or a bug?

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  • Yes, That's a bug within the GUI.

    If you try to add the new IP/MAC to existing host, the IP for this host is changed, but not the DHCP Server/Scope/Subnet.

    If you open the network object afterwards, you are unable to save until you correct this error.



    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks - does this get reported to Sophos by some mechanism?

  • Someone has to open a support-ticket.

    This is possible for a customer with platinum-support or a partner.

    This Needs a lot of time (money).

    Or we have luck and a sophos staff member will read this post and solve this problem for us.




    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Actually, that makes sense now. The USB installer bug (where you have to manually mount the USB drive before installing) is at least 5 years old (it bit me the first time I installed). I've found another bug where when I edit any of my wireless networks, it automatically changes everything back to the very first wireless network i created (name, SSID and password) and wipes out the one I was editing. The one it changes them back to doesn't actually exist any more either.

    This begs the question - if they aren't using us as beta testers, what is the value to Sophos in giving UTM away for free to home users? 

  • Actually, that makes sense now. The USB installer bug (where you have to manually mount the USB drive before installing) is at least 5 years old (it bit me the first time I installed). I've found another bug where when I edit any of my wireless networks, it automatically changes everything back to the very first wireless network i created (name, SSID and password) and wipes out the one I was editing. The one it changes them back to doesn't actually exist any more either.

    This begs the question - if they aren't using us as beta testers, what is the value to Sophos in giving UTM away for free to home users? 

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