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Is there an example of uploading an LE cert to UTM 9?


I've been looking for a code sample of how to upload (replace, actually) an expired Let's Encrypt cert using the REST API or, better a cron-based script on 9.7.

I'd appreciate pointers to some examples, if there are any.

My use case is that I am using pfSense to generate a multi-SAN LE cert which I wish to distribute to various network devices. I know some folks do this in reverse (generate on UTM and distribute from there) but that's not possible for me any longer.


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  • Thanks.

    No, that document doesn't have detailed examples; it's more about the concept and design of the REST API.

    This is too bad. I've been using UTM as a VPN since Astaro days -- almost 14 years. (I was a vp of marketing for Astaro.) I still prefer UTM's SSL VPN to pfSense's. 

    But the lack of usable automation capability -- something I think the API was supposed to address -- marks the end of the road for me since my UTM is not on my network edge anymore and my DigiCert wildcard expires this year.

    While the document @Jaydeep links is well-written. as long as there's no body of examples Sophos is relying on the few brave people who will experiment and share. Too bad Sophos didn't prep at least a few how-tos with the release of the API itself.

    BTW, I could easily run a cron job (either on a different host or as a scheduled Windows task) to replace the certs using PowerShell's Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet if only I had an example of how to use the 'ca' object.

  • Hi and welcome back to the UTM Community!

    There are quite a few examples here, but the built-in search function is not easy to use.  I prefer to use a Google including the site parameter.  For example: letsencrypt

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thanks.

    But it’s a sorry state when Google has to suffice instead of actual doc. My search on a mobile device yielded no actual examples of using the REST API to store a cert.

    I give up. I’m retiring my UTM VM in March when it’s current cert expires.