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Insanely low upload speed


I am running UTM at home but I am experiencing really low upload speeds.

Version: 9.601-5
Hypervisor: ESX
Adapter type: vmxnet3
NIC: Intel
QoS: Disabled

Connect my computer directly to my fiber converter:
900+Mbit download
900+Mbit upload

Sophos with IPS enabled:
~300Mbit download
~30 Mbit upload

Sophos without IPS enabled:
~700 Mbit download
~30 Mbit upload

The test I am running is downloading a file over HTTP so I have a hard time thinking that my rule base is the problem.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,

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  • Halloj Patrik and welcome to the UTM Community!

    What happens if you disable Web Filtering?

    Still, I'm confused by the slowness of the uploads.  Does doing #1 in Rulz provide any insight?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi Bob

    Thank you! I've been using the UTM at home for a few years and I love the product but I've never had a reason to visit you guys until now. :)
    If I disable web filtering I got 800/800 so that seem to be the culprit. Is it normal for it to lower the speed so much?

    Configuration for the Web filter is:

    Configured my internal network in Allowed Networks
    Operation mode: Transparent mode
    HTTPS Scan :URL filtering only
    Policies: Base policy, nothing else configured

    I checked the logs too and saw that the web filter was logging a lot during the upload phase.
    Looks like the test is running a series of GET and then POST.

    The GET was much larger than the POSTs. So essentially the browser was sending ~700-800 POSTs to the web server.

    If I do a test at another site which is using normal ways of testing uploads I get a good speed.

    Case closed.

    Kind regards,

    In case someone else from Sweden is running into the same issue I'll tag this with these words:
    Sophos UTM
    Poor upload speed

  • Gigabit fiber here too.  Snort is what's used for traffic scanning.  It runs one process per client I believe.  So if you run a speed test on multiple pc's (assuming you have a quad core cpu or 4 vcpu's assigned), you should be able to saturate the connection.

    I get about 400-450mbps down, 500-700 mbps up (depending which site I test from) with web filtering enabled, on a single pc.  Underlying hardware is an i5 6600K cpu with 4 vcpu's assigned to utm.

    Here's with just one speed test on one pc.

    This is running on 2 different pc's at the same time.

    Both get about 400 mbps down, 500 mbps up.  So 3-4 different pc's would max it out.  Your results will different depending on actual core clock speed.  To max it out fully with a single connection you'll need to either get faster hardware or add exceptions to not scan certain traffic.  For my use, a handful of sites are excluded,

    Under web protection, filtering options, make sure this is checked.

    Utm cpu load as seen by esxi.

  • Gigabit fiber here too.  Snort is what's used for traffic scanning.  It runs one process per client I believe.  So if you run a speed test on multiple pc's (assuming you have a quad core cpu or 4 vcpu's assigned), you should be able to saturate the connection.

    I get about 400-450mbps down, 500-700 mbps up (depending which site I test from) with web filtering enabled, on a single pc.  Underlying hardware is an i5 6600K cpu with 4 vcpu's assigned to utm.

    Here's with just one speed test on one pc.

    This is running on 2 different pc's at the same time.

    Both get about 400 mbps down, 500 mbps up.  So 3-4 different pc's would max it out.  Your results will different depending on actual core clock speed.  To max it out fully with a single connection you'll need to either get faster hardware or add exceptions to not scan certain traffic.  For my use, a handful of sites are excluded,

    Under web protection, filtering options, make sure this is checked.

    Utm cpu load as seen by esxi.
