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Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /wfe/asg/modules/reporting/ line 624



After we renew our license and update our sophos firewall i encounter this error in network usage tab:

Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /wfe/asg/modules/reporting/ line 624. 

As I check it seems the rrd folder for reporting was been removed from the root. I check the system messages in the log file and I found this messages:

2018:10:20-09:35:00 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='72', error='Broken pipe (32)'
2018:10:20-09:35:00 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: Suspending write operation because of an I/O error; fd='84', time_reopen='60'
2018:10:20-09:35:01 freshsolutions /usr/sbin/cron[31479]: (root) CMD (   /usr/local/bin/reporter/
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - Error updating sysmon based data
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - Error updating mem/swap rrd
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - Error updating load average rrd
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - Error updating rrd
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - Error updating rrd
2018:10:20-09:35:02 freshsolutions WARN - updating rrd: socket no found - daemon running?
2018:10:20-09:35:06 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='84', error='Broken pipe (32)'
2018:10:20-09:35:06 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: Suspending write operation because of an I/O error; fd='72', time_reopen='60'
2018:10:20-09:35:10 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='72', error='Broken pipe (32)'
2018:10:20-09:35:10 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: Suspending write operation because of an I/O error; fd='85', time_reopen='60'
2018:10:20-09:35:16 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='85', error='Broken pipe (32)'
2018:10:20-09:35:16 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: Suspending write operation because of an I/O error; fd='84', time_reopen='60'
2018:10:20-09:35:21 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='84', error='Broken pipe (32)'
2018:10:20-09:35:21 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: Suspending write operation because of an I/O error; fd='85', time_reopen='60'
2018:10:20-09:35:27 freshsolutions syslog-ng[4953]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='85', error='Broken pipe (32)'

Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?thank you so much

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  • Hala and welcome to the UTM Community!

    I got "How to fix Graphs with empty content" from Scott Klassen almost 7 years ago.  From your post, it might fix your issue.  You can copy the entire block and paste it on the command line at once.  As root:

    rm /var/log/reporting/rrd/*
    /etc/init.d/syslogng restart
    /etc/init.d/rrdcache restart

    Please let us know your results.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • After I upgrade my firmware the problem has been solved. Before this error happened our sophos was using 9.403 I try to upgrade it to 9.404 then after observing it for 2 days change the firmware to 9.415. 

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