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Intervlan routing

I have my Cisco switch with all my vlans configured and routing working. Now I plan to add a Sophos utm firewall, and will use its ip as the next hop on the Cisco. my question is, with this setup, can the firewall rules on the utm have any affect on the intervlan routing. For example stop one vlan accessing another. Or will the firewall rules only monitor internet traffic ?

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  • Firewall rules affect any traffic going through the UTM.

    Every VLAN builds a single Interface.

    if you Need Routing between them but no firewalling you need rules like "Group_all_my_VLAN_Interfacenetworks" any "Group_all_my_VLAN_Interfacenetworks" Permit.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks, guess I’ll change my design to have the routing down through the sophos rather than on the switch.
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