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Multipath Rule doesn't seem to work


I have an uplink configuration, two WAN links, configured as 100/0 in the active interfaces, as I want to use the secondary link as main link only if primary dies, but I still want to be able to route certain things over secondary interface.

So I use a Multipath Rule. I want to try routing specific server over secondary interface, WAN2, so I did following:

Multipath Rule, Source: the server, Any, Any, By Interface and chosen the secondary WAN link.

Yet, when I test connections on the server, it still is going over the primary link.

How can I force the server to only use the secondary link?

Thank you

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  • Christ, I can't believe I missed that...

    I had a second NIC on the server, which I forgot about, only because I was testing something, and that NIC was of course different IP from the one on the firewall.

    Now removed it, and all is fine. Multipath rule alone does it.

    Sorry everyone :(

    And thank you.