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Outlook Add-in installing but missing

We recently implement a UTM 9 on our network.


Office 365 (Click-to-run) x64 Version: 15.0.4893.1000

Windows 10 Pro x64 Version: 10.0.10240


In the process of installing the Outlook add-in (Version 1.3.2), I initially tried installing using the msi and the following switches

msiexec /i SophosOutlookAddInSetup.msi /qn /l* install_log.txt T=2 EC=3 UC=3 SC=3 M=1 S=0 A=1

I then looked at the log file and found mention of .NET 4.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime.  Since I'm running Windows 10 I shouldn't need the .NET 4.0, but I did need the VS2010 Tools.  I installed them and tried again with the MSI.  It failed again.  After doing some looking I found posts stating that a certain registry modification would be necessary to get it to install.  I added the following registry item HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\LanguageResources\UILanguage and set the DWord to 1033 for English.  This time I ran the MSI, but without the /qn options so I could see what, if anything, was coming up.  The install was successful.  I then opened Outlook expecting to see the add-in.  I didn't see it so I closed and reopened Outlook.  Still not there.  I reboot my machine, reopened Outlook, still nothing.  I opened the Add-ins screen in Outlook and the add-in wasn't listed.  I then checked Programs and Features.  It was listed here, but doesn't appear anywhere else.

I have installed successfully from both the MSI and setup.exe and it does not show up in Outlook either instance.  I went into the registry to see if the settings that were defined during initial setup were retained when the software was uninstalled.  (Just in case I had one incorrectly set and it was carrying through to all install attempts.)  It appears, though, that these are delete when the software is uninstalled.  So that shouldn't have been the case.

Any guidance on this would be much appreciated.

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  • Just a guess, but since you have x64 Office installed that could be the reason for this (and a lot of other) plugin not working. Most plugins need 32-bit Office.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • Just a guess, but since you have x64 Office installed that could be the reason for this (and a lot of other) plugin not working. Most plugins need 32-bit Office.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.
