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Block emails spoofed p2 headers

I am looking to block emails where the FROM in the P2 header is being spoofed using our email addresses.  I can kill these off at the exchange server by removing the ms-exch-smtp-accept-authoritative-domain-sender on the Internet facing domain connector.  Is there a way to kill these via "Email Protection"?  If I add our domain in the "Sender Blacklist" does this look at the P2 header or only the P1 like SPF?

P1 header
mail from:
rcpt to:

P2 header
from: (problem)
Subject: P1 and P2 headers are different
The P1 and P2 headers will be different in this message.


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  • Hey Jim, 

    I'm having the same issue with spoofed emails using the FROM in the P2 header, so I decided to kill them by removing the ms-exch-smtp-accept-authoritative-domain-sender permissions on my receive connector. But now UTM is not able to send Quarantine reports, as UTM sends the reports to that receive connector using one of our email addresses and Exchange is rejecting them now.

    How are you handling the Quarantine reports after changing those permissions on the Exchange receive connector?


  • Wouldn't enabling SPF help with this?

  • I have SPF enabled on UTM and have SPF records set up for my domain. The thing is UTM uses SPF to check only the MAIL FROM field on the P1 headers of an email. Emails can still be spoofed by altering the FROM field on the P2 headers of an email. Unfortunately, UTM does not check P2 headers of emails, thus allowing spoofed emails to still come through. 

  • I have SPF enabled on UTM and have SPF records set up for my domain. The thing is UTM uses SPF to check only the MAIL FROM field on the P1 headers of an email. Emails can still be spoofed by altering the FROM field on the P2 headers of an email. Unfortunately, UTM does not check P2 headers of emails, thus allowing spoofed emails to still come through. 

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