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9.706 - anti-spam engine changed to SASI

One of the changes is that: Email Protection anti-spam engine changed to Sophos Anti-Spam Interface (SASI)

Anybody has experience with that change? Does it effect the rate of recognition? I haven't figured out yet if the Commtouch Advanced Security Daemon (ctasd) is dropped with this or not. And if so aren't the results from cyren no longer used?

Best regards


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  • I am certain that the change to SASI is in one word f$%ked. I have not had a single spam email blocked since this update, yes I am getting all sorts of rubbish passing straight through the scanning. On top of this the constant downloading of patterns has meant having to turn off auto updates.
    No response from Sophos, no fixes, nothing....

  • I am certain that the change to SASI is in one word f$%ked. I have not had a single spam email blocked since this update, yes I am getting all sorts of rubbish passing straight through the scanning. On top of this the constant downloading of patterns has meant having to turn off auto updates.
    No response from Sophos, no fixes, nothing....

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