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Are you getting .CYOU spam?

We already block trash domains like .CYOU, but still my server was getting thousands of .CYOU spams to block each day.

It was playing whack-a-mole with blocking subnets.

That's when I stepped in and looked at it, turns out 100% of them, ALL OF THEM are coming from one hosting company.

Eonix Corporation in Las Vegas.

I blocked their entire ASN, which is 62904, and my .CYOU spam went to zero - instantly.  This weekend I have pages and pages of green logs, no spam.

(just 2 random spams that are not related).

CYOU later, Eonix.  You are now permanently blocked from any network I am in charge of.

If anyone else is experiencing this attack, I suggest you use this as a reference:

Or hit me up and I will try and help.

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Parents Reply
  • Honestly, how does sending 10's of thousands of spam messages to my server, which are automatically deleted without being read, how does that profit anyone?

    The chances of me opening their crap is between zero and zero.  And even if I did, who is stupid enough to actually buy something from a spammer?

    Really, it seems like a waste of time.
