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SMTP proxy no longer listens on a specific interface

 Hey, guys,

I have a very strange problem on an SG 310 UTM 9.700-5 at a customer. There are several interfaces configured. Without any changes, the SMTP proxy does not listen on interface eth0 ( since yesterday.

If I try to access port 25 via telnet, I get an immediate disconnect. I don't see an entry in the SMTP livelog either. Telnet to another interface on port 25 works at least until "554 SMTP synchronisation error".

Even a DNS query on eth0 doesn't work anymore, although it is released. DNS queries work on other interfaces.

I have already done a database rebuild and restarted the SG. The error remains.

I have already adapted the send connector to the mail servers, they point to another interface. Workarround works ;)

When restarting the SMTP proxy, according to Livelog, nothing unusual can be seen:

2019:11:14-10:39:16 sophos smtpd[24466]: MASTER[24466]: (Re-)loading configuration from Confd
2019:11:14-10:39:16 sophos smtpd[24466]: MASTER[24466]: Past 09:30:00, QR status one set to 'sent'
2019:11:14-10:39:16 sophos smtpd[24466]: MASTER[24466]: Before 15:15:00, QR status two set to 'pending'
2019:11:14-10:39:16 sophos exim-in[24480]: 2019-11-14 10:39:16 pid 24480: SIGHUP received: re-exec daemon
2019:11:14-10:39:16 sophos exim-in[24480]: 2019-11-14 10:39:16 exim 4.82_1-5b7a7c0-XX daemon started: pid=24480, no queue runs, listening for SMTP on port 25 (IPv4) port 587 (IPv4) and for SMTPS on port 465 (IPv4)

Did any of you already have this problem? Parallel to this I have also opened a ticket.


Thx 4 help!

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