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One console for several PureMessage installs


I installed PureMessage on three Exchange servers and all seems fine except Anti-Spam ("Failed to create the spam engine"), but that feature is out of scope and disabled for now anyway.

The three servers are in three different countries and each has its own local PureMessage DB because I didn't want to cause extra traffic on the WAN side by letting them share one SQL instance.

But now I have the problem that each console seems to be independent, even if the PureMessage Server Group is the same: every console only contains the local install and not the other two. I do not see anywhere a possibility to add members to the PureMessage Server Group or something similar.

Am I missing something or is this because you need to share a DB for the Server Group to function?

Thank you in advance for your replies.




OK, I found out from a manual that a shared DB is indeed necessary. Is there an easy way to point two of my PureMessages to the DB of the third or do I need to reinstall the product?

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  • Hi J.Janssens,

    You should be able to point your PureMessage servers to a single DB by doing the following:
    1. Stop the Sophos PureMessage Service in services.msc
    2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Sophos\PureMessage\Config\LastKnown
    3. Duplicate the LocalConfig.xml file to back it up
    4. Modify the ServerName\Instance between <ServerName></ServerName>.  There should be 4 entries of this in this file
    5. Start the Sophos PureMessage Service back up

  • Thanks. Unfortunately, that didn't work: it hung all Sophos PureMessage services. Any changes of DB or Server group seem to be pretty much impossible without reinstalling - which I did, and now it is all fine.


    J. Janssens

    Sophos Certified Architect
    Sophos Certified Engineer
    Sophos Certified Sales Consultant
    Gold Partner

  • Hi J.Janssens,

    I forgot to mention this in my last notes but in case anyone tries to follow the previous steps, you'll also need to change the account that starts up Sophos PureMessage service if that user account does not have access to the new Instance/DB.

    The steps for this are:

    1. Open up services.msc
    2. Right click Sophos PureMessage and select Properties
    3. Click the Log On tab and browse/specify the user/password that will access the Sophos PureMessage database
  • Hi J.Janssens,

    I forgot to mention this in my last notes but in case anyone tries to follow the previous steps, you'll also need to change the account that starts up Sophos PureMessage service if that user account does not have access to the new Instance/DB.

    The steps for this are:

    1. Open up services.msc
    2. Right click Sophos PureMessage and select Properties
    3. Click the Log On tab and browse/specify the user/password that will access the Sophos PureMessage database
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