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SMTP from External Device


in our installation, the UTM is configured as Host-based relay for our Exchange Server, which is the only allowed host for relaying. Now it's required to allow an dedicated external system to send mails from our smtp-domain, so I want to allow the external system to use the UTM to send mails.

I have to add the IP-address of the external system to allow relaying, are there any other options to make this more secure? I want to allow the external system to use the mail server with one dedicated sender address, is it possible to limit it?

Kind regards & thanks in advance

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  • Why the external device doesn't use the exchange server behind UTM?


    If you dont want to use the Exchange Server, this option can be done if SMTP is configured in "Transparent Mode".
    Than the external device can use UTM as smarthost or send connector, with "Authenticated Users" option

  • Unknown said:
    Why the external device doesn't use the exchange server behind UTM?

    Today the external device has no vpn connection to our UTM, so the Exchange Server is not reachable.

    Unknown said:
    If you dont want to use the Exchange Server, this option can be done if SMTP is configured in "Transparent Mode".
    Than the external device can use UTM as smarthost or send connector, with "Authenticated Users" option

    I understand that transparent mode is to force smtp connections to use the smtp proxy?

    Basically my question can be reduced to this:

    Is it secure to allow a single external IP address to use the UTM as a relay although the device and the UTM are connected via internet and unencrypted.

  • I think it cannot be done without Transparent Mode.

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