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modify bounce-back message

I would like to add "If you are trying to email a yahoo user, this is a known issue and should be temporary.  Please try again later" to the default bounce-back message so I can bounce the emails not going through to yahoo.

Can this be done?

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Parents Reply
  • You need to ensure that you are off all blacklists.   Go to and use the blacklist check for both your IP and your domain name.   If it reports any problems, contact thsee RBLs to request delisting.

    You might want to create a (free) account with them for continuous monitoring and automated alarming.

  • I did that last week and after creating several cases emails are finally being delivered.  Email I sent last friday from my work email to my yahoo was finally delivered.  Sent another test at 1pm and just got it.

    They must be enforcing spf, dkim, and Dmarc records now.  I got all that publish last friday as well.