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Data Loss Prevention regex not working


Have tried to setup UTM to catch danish social security numbers, I have tried this regex:

For theese combinations

100282 1187

It works in Sophos Central Endpoints, when I create a custom CCL, but not when I add it to UTM.

This one works in UTM:


But takes theese combinations:

100282 1187

The first without hyphen and space, gives too many false positives!


I'm not a big regex expert, but I cannot figure out why it works in Sophos Central and not UTM.



Tried with this: [0-3][0-9][0-1][1-9][0-9]{2}[-\s][0-9]{4} seemed to work in the UTM, now testing for false positives ;) (Removed ^ and $)

Also tested with boundaries \b like found here:

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