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Hello. I have two Windows 2012 servers configured as Hyper-V servers. I installed Sophos UTM 9.505 as virtual machines and created a hot-stand by cluster. Each virtual machine is configured with 14GB RAM. I see that when the virtual machine's are running, in the folder where the configuration file of the vm is stored, there is a xxxxxx.bin file (xxxxxx is the id of the vm) with 14GB size. If i shutdown the vm, the file is deleted when the vm stops, when i click start, is instantly created again. What does this mean? That the utm runs with 14GB of "paging" file on the disk instead of using the host's RAM?



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  • Sorry, I was only on a mobile device.

    You should be aware that this would violates the concept of a hypervisor in general. No VM is able to modify the filesystem outside of itself. Besides some security holes this is not possible. So every VM is isolated.


    Best regards

