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Sophos HA over Two Datacenter

Hi I'm thinking for a Colocation for our Company with SAN Replication over dark fiber (L2). So my question is if it's possible to have a Sophos HA (Active / Passive) over two Datacenter so that if the Datacenter 1 is down the Sophos on Datacenter 2 switches to Master and I can run all VMs on Datacenter 2 and also all remote Offices connect automatic to this Firewall.

One of the WAN is located on the Datacenter 2 and the other in Datacenter 1. The Network would be completely transparent (Layer2 connection between both Datacenter).

The only problem I see is that also the heartbeat of the Sophos FW has to go over the dark fiber and if the connection between the Datacenter is down, both firewall are in master mode and can accept VPN, SMTP…


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