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Sophos UTM 9.503 released today - Experiences?!

They soft-released it today:


Installed on two home utms and they kept running ok :-)


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  • I had some difficulties. But it may be that I am the only one with these kind of problems.

    I am home user and as the box is just beside me I wan't to keep it as quiet as possible. Computer is 10 year old Dell and 2014 when SSD disk's were not as cheap as today I installed a 10 Gb Intel hard disk to it. Installed UTM to it. Has been running fine ever since as I am home user.

    But up2date to 9.5 hung up and system was as good as dead after that. I assume that system portion of hard disk became full and up2date  could not handle it.

    So I downloaded iso disk image 9.503. Installed from it to that same 10 Gb SSD. Restored from backup file and after some minor difficulties system is now up and running. Seems to be a little slower at startup and shutdown.

  • That's too small, Kimmo.  What result do you get from df -h at the command line?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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