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4Gb or 8Gb of RAM for Sophos UTM Home?


Today I purchased a Zotac Zbox CI323 and installed UTM on it (i've written a small Howto document, that I can share).

The specifications are: 120Gb Intel SSD and 4Gb DDR3L Kingston ValueRam

My question is: would upgrading the RAM to 8Gb be usefull? I know that UTM does not have the 6Gb limitation that XG has.

Any ideas?


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  • it depends on the features you are using form UTM (like web filtering, IPS, VPN, ...) but in general yes, more RAM equals more performance but if your only using firewalling and nothing else, you'd probably don't see any difference.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • Thanks for the fast reply! (Btw, are you Dutch, cause Pijnappel is a dutch word?).

    I am using the Zotac CI323 with 4Gb with firewall, IPS, ATP and  dual AV scanning and the max RAM usage is 65% (all the time between 50 and 65% approx.).

    I have a 100/20 fiber internet connection.

    The 65% ram usage with 4Gb concludes to me that upgrading to 8Gb does not matter for my use case?

  • Yes, I'm Dutch. If you do have the RAM then you could just check it; it may look like it's not (constantly) using a lot of RAM but it could still be beneficial. If you don't have the RAM already, and speed isn't impacted, then I wouldn't invest in it now.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • Not that it has an impact on the UTM, but the new version, XG, is capped at 6gb ram for home use.  In my home exerience, 4gb is plenty.  Most of it will be used as cache anyway.