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How to access a cPanel website from standard configuration


I'm a bit of a noob so I hope someone is willing to help me.

After a year I have tried again to install my NFA. And I have succeeded! It's now working and my housemates hasn't even noticed it. But now I needed to go to a websites configurationpanel (cPanel and uses port 2083) but I can't access it. And then I thought: let's use OpenVPN but that even didn't work.

So my network diagram is something like this: optical fiber => modem with DMZ to => NFA => router => Wireless


The whole OpenVPN is not the most imported thing but accessing the cPanel is. 

Can someone show me the way? Thnx in advance!


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  • Hi Roy,

    you've to allow the connection from the LAN / your PC over port 2083 to the IP of the NFA (whatever this is) in the firewall.

    First you'ce to create a service object under "Definition & Users" for the cPanel service with port 2083 (TCP or/and UDP). Maybe also for the NFA and your PCs IP address. Then go to "Network Protection" and "Firewall", create a new rule with source your PC, service cPanel and destination NFA.


  • Hi Jas,

    I would like to thank you for taking the time to help me out. It worked! 
    And a NFA is a Network Firewall Appliance. It's somesort of a Sophos UTM in a box (look here).

    Best wishes!


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