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Astaro 625 running sophos 9.x

Just wondering if there is any reason an Astaro 625 or even say an older Sophos UTM 120 will be outdated and not work with future releases of the UTM software?

Will we need to get the sg appliance?

I saw a good deal on an Astaro 625 rev2 and thought it would be a good buy, I currently run a Sophos UTM 120.


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  • Technically you can run just about everything. However depending on the features you use in UTM9.x you will need enough RAM and/or enough CPU speed. That's where the older devices might not be sufficient or will have poorer performance.

    You would still need to aquire a license tough for the Astaro 625 which might make the total price a less good deal....

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • Technically you can run just about everything. However depending on the features you use in UTM9.x you will need enough RAM and/or enough CPU speed. That's where the older devices might not be sufficient or will have poorer performance.

    You would still need to aquire a license tough for the Astaro 625 which might make the total price a less good deal....

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

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