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HA & Failover - What causes it?

In HA (Hot standby mode), what causes the UTM to switch and can it be controlled eg only failover on certain ports?

For instance, if I have E0 - E7 physical interfaces hooked up on master & slave, will pulling any interface on the master result in a failover?

If E8 is live on the master, but E8 on the slave doesn't have a connection, will pulling E8 on the master result in a failover?

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  • Hi Louis-M,

    as far as know all physical ports are monitored by default and every port must have the same state (connected/disconnected) on master and slave to have a 'good' clusterstate. You maybe can exclude certain interfaces from being monitored in the hardware setting of the phys. interface - at least there is a chekbox 'HA monitored - but I didn't try that maself.

    I think in your example the utm with the longer uptime will survive - I think if there is an equal number of good interfaces the next criteria is the uptime that decides whats happening.

    Best regards


  • Thank you. That answered my question. Never went into the hardware tab so I can see that is now where it is done.